WICCI: Second report on Climate Change Impacts in Wisconsin
WICCI is a grassroots effort to consolidate information about climate change impacts in Wisconsin. Its first report, released in 2010, has played a critical role in elevating climate change within dialogue about environmental management across the state, and serves as the go-to resource for agencies, NGOs, and the public. We are now working to update that document, focusing on new research in aquatic and other ecosystems, as well as case studies of impacts on Wisconsin's ecosystem services.
The goals of this project are in part to 1) Compile a synthesis of climate change impacts on people and natural resources of Wisconsin. 2) Provide public education about the seriousness of climate change impacts. 3) Establish accessible and credible reference for policy makers.
Poster: McIntyre, P., WICCI water resource group poster, Water@UW-Madison symposium.
Workshop: Magee, M.R. & P. McIntyre, Wisconsin Inland Lakes & Climate Change, WICCI's Water Resources working group.