Shifting Seasons: Tribal Climate Adaptation Training with Northeastern Tribes
College of Menominee Nation (CMN) Sustainable Development Institute hosted a Shifting Seasons Summit that served as a training and networking event for indigenous practitioners, tribal leaders, tribal land managers and federal and state agencies and academic researchers. Two primary goals of the summit were: to 1) facilitate a better understanding of the CSC, and other federally led opportunities for tribes in addressing climate change impacts on tribal resources; 2) facilitate the development, improvement, and inclusion of tribal communities climate change needs to develop a best management practices approach for engagement of tribes in the development of research agendas, project development, and policy development related to tribes and climate change, specifically in the northeast.
The main summit took place in Keshena, WI, October 14-17, 2014. NE CSC funding was used to develop and host satellite locations further in the northeastern region for tribes not able to attend the main summit event through live streaming & webinar technologies.
CMN secured a BIA award which supported the development and distribution of a questionnaire to summit participants better understand tribal needs and communicate those needs to appropriate resources . This component will also be available to satellite sites.
--> See agenda for the summit here (and attached, below):