D'Amato, A.W., B.J. Palik, R.A. Slesak, C.A. Looney, M. Youngquist, G. Edge, C. Matula, D. Bronson, and G. Swanson. Adaptive silvicultural strategies for black ash forests threatened by the introduced emerald ash borer. National Silviculture Workshop, Bemidji, MN. May 21, 2019.
D'Amato, A.W. Putting the forest first: managing within the context of EAB. New England Society of American Foresters Winter Meeting, Burlington, VT. March 28, 2019.
Slesak, R.A., A.W. D'Amato, B.J. Palik. Seven years of hydrologic response to simulated emerald ash borer mortality in black ash wetlands. 2018. Society of American Foresters National Convention, Portland, OR. October 6, 2018.
D'Amato, A.W., B.J. Palik, R.A. Slesak, G. Edge, C. Matula, D. Bronson.. Recommendations for moving forward based on management experience and recent research in black ash wetlands. Science and Management of Ash Forests after EAB Workshop, Duluth, MN. July 26, 2018.
D’Amato, A.W., B.J. Palik, C. Looney, R. Slesak, and M. Slater. 2017. Black ash, emerald ash borer, and climate change: assisting the replacement of a foundational species. Presentation. 11th North American Forest Ecology Workshop, Edmonton, Alberta. June 22, 2018.
D'Amato, A.W. 2018. Silvicultural considerations for Vermont's ash within the context of emerald ash borer. Managing our Changing Forests Webinar Series. University of Vermont Extension. June 20, 2018.
Pzswaro, J., A.W. D'Amato, B.J. Palik, and R.A. Slesak. Silvicultural Options for Increasing Resilience of Black Ash Wetlands to EAB in Wisconsin. Society of American Foresters National Convention. Madison, WI. November 5, 2016
Palik, B.J., A.W. D'Amato, and R.A. Slesak. Evaluating Replacement Tree Species in Black Ash Forests Threatened by EAB and Climate Change. Society of American Foresters National Convention. Madison, WI. November 5, 2016
D'Amato, A.W., B.J. Palik, and R.A. Slesak. Sustaining Great Lakes Black Ash Forests in the Face of Emerald Ash Borer. Society of American Foresters National Convention. Madison, WI. November 5, 2016
Youngquist, M. A,W, D’Amato, B.J. Palik, S. Eggert, and R.A. Slesak. 2016. Predicting the indirect effects of emerald ash borer on amphibians in black ash wetlands. Region 9 Lake States Sub-Regional Soils, Water, Fisheries and Aquatic Ecology Workshop, Northern Great Lakes Visitors Center, Ashland, WI. April 26-28, 2016
Youngquist, M., A.W. D'Amato, S. Eggert, B.J. Palik, and R.A. Slesak. Potential Indirect Effects of Invasive Emerald Ash Borer on Wetland Fauna in Black Ash Forests. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Grand Rapids, MI. January 24-27, 2016.
Looney, C., A.W. D'Amato, and B.J. Palik. Treatment, Species, and Planting Season Impact Seedling Success in EAB-Imperiled Black Ash Forests. Society of American Foresters National Convention, Baton Rouge, LA. November 5, 2015.
Slesak, R.A. Hydrology of black ash wetlands: Implications for management of the EAB threat. Sustainable Forests Education Cooperative Fall Webinar Series, University of Minnesota. September 15, 2015.
Looney, C., A.W. D'Amato, and B.J. Palik. Overstory treatment and planting season affect survival of replacement tree species in emerald ash borer-threatened Fraxinus nigra forests in Minnesota, USA. North American Forest Ecology Workship, Veracruz, Mexico. June 18, 2015.
Palik, B.J., A.W. D'Amato, and R. A. Slesak. Evaluating the Ecological Impacts of Emerald Ash Borer and Climate Change on Black Ash Forests. Sustainable Forests Education Cooperative Wildlife and Forest Research Review. Cloquet, MN. February 24, 2015.
Reinikainen, M.R., A.W. D'Amato, B.J. Palik. Evaluating adaptation strategies for black ash forests threatened by emerald ash borer. Black Ash Symposium, University of Maine, Orono, ME. November 5, 2014.
Palik, B.J., and A.W. D'Amato. Developing strategies for managing black ash forests in the face of emerald ash borer. USFS Region 9 Silviculture Workshop. Bemidji State University, Bemidji, MN. June 24, 2014.
Looney, C., A.W. D’Amato, and B.J. Palik. Impacts of restoration treatments and emerald ash borer on vegetation communities in black ash-dominated wetlands. Midwest-Great Lakes Society of Ecological Restoration Chapter Meeting, St. Paul, MN. March 28, 2014.
Slesak, R.A., C. Lenhart, K. Brooks, A.W. D’Amato, B.J. Palik. Water table response of black ash wetlands to simulated emerald ash borer mortality and harvesting. Midwest-Great Lakes Society of Ecological Restoration Chapter Meeting, St. Paul, MN. March 28, 2014.
Lenhart, C., K. Brooks, R. A. Slesak, A.W. D’Amato, B.J. Palik. The hydrologic setting for black ash wetlands: implications for restoration and management. Midwest-Great Lakes Society of Ecological Restoration Chapter Meeting, St. Paul, MN. March 28, 2014.
Reinikainen, M.R., A.W. D’Amato, B.J. Palik.Two-year survival of potential replacement species in ash-dominated wetlands. Midwest-Great Lakes Society of Ecological Restoration Chapter Meeting, St. Paul, MN. March 28, 2014.
D’Amato, A.W., B. J. Palik, R. A. Slesak, and C. Lenhart. Overview of a large-scale experiment to assess the impacts of emerald ash borer on the structure and function of black ash forest ecosystems and the potential for restoration. Midwest-Great Lakes Society of Ecological Restoration Chapter Meeting, St. Paul, MN. March 28, 2014. D’Amato, AW. 2013. Black ash: characterizing stand dynamics, evaluating management options, and anticipating EAB impacts. Presentation at Forest Health Workshop sponsored by Chippewa National Forest and Minnesota DNR, Walker, MN. February 12.
D’Amato, A.W. Adaptation strategies for addressing the impacts of non-native insects and diseases on eastern forests. National Park Service Resilient Forest Management Training for Eastern National Parks. November 2022.
D'Amato, A.W. Species preservation in the face of a novel threat: cultural, ecological, and operational considerations for preserving tree species in the context of non-native insects and diseases. Society of American Foresters Convention. Baltimore, MD. September 2022.
D'Amato, A.W. On the Horizon: Managing the Invasion of Emerald Ash Borer in the Pacific Northwest. Northwest CASC/Northwest RISCC Webinar Series. November 2022.
Smith, G., A.W. D'Amato. December 14. Northeast silviculture library. Poster presentation at Forest Ecosystem Monitoring Cooperative Annual Conference in Burlington, VT to collect input from managers for new case studies.
D’Amato, A.W. December 14. Workshop session: Implementing Forest Adaptation Strategies for Northern Hardwood, Mixedwood, and Spruce-Fir Forests. Workshop for managers at Forest Ecosystem Monitoring Cooperative Annual Conference in Burlington, VT to provide feedback on draft guide for forest adaptation strategies for northern forest ecosystems.
Meeting with Maryland DNR Natural Heritage Program on December 21, 2023 to discuss forest stewardship strategies for addressing climate change and invasive species impacts.
Meeting with New York DEC on December 29, 2023 to discuss state-wide reforestation strategy to address climate change impacts.