Great Lakes and Northeast Silviculture Prescription Libraries
In the first phase of this project, project team members developed an online platform to enable rapid sharing and cataloging of silviculture case studies documenting adaptive forest management approaches across MI, MN, Ontario, and WI. The goal was to create a clearinghouse of information for forest managers across the region to disseminate ideas on addressing emerging issues and tracking effectiveness of a given approach. The Prescription Library serves as the basis for regional continuing education offerings for natural resource professionals throughout Michigan, Minnesota, Ontario, and Wisconsin. The project initiated in late March 2014 and now shares over 120 case studies in adaptive silviculture through the Prescription Library platform. These case studies cover Minnesota, Ontario, and Wisconsin and demonstrate a range of silvicultural approaches to address current and emerging issues related to the sustainable management of forests in the Great Lakes region. A steering committee composed of state, federal, provincial, county, and tribal foresters in the Great Lakes region has been created to guide the development of online case studies. The web-based platform was launched on September 29 at a two-day workshop in Duluth, MN and can now be accessed at:
A second phase of this project was initiated in Winter 2022 with the launch of a parallel silviculture prescription library for the Northeast. The Northeast Silviculture Library can be accessed here:
Project Investigators
Tools and Products

- Sagor, E., 2015. Silviculture prescription library launch. Sustainable Forests Education Cooperative. Clyde Iron Works, Duluth, MN. September 29-30.