Early career climate communications and networking
The Department of the Interior and the U.S. Geological Survey have made it a priority to train the next generation of scientists and resource managers. The Climate Adaptation Science Centers (CASC) and consortium institutions are working to contribute to this initiative by supporting and building a network of students across the U.S. interested in the climate sciences and climate adaptation. The purpose of this project was to support the development of a national early career communication platform to facilitate and increase information sharing and networking across the CASCs and consortium institutions. This was accomplished by working with the Early Career Climate Forum (ECCF), a CASC-supported science network dedicated to improving research practice through communication and collaboration. Project goals included expanding the existing ECCF website, adding services such as a regular blog, email list-serve, database of members, regular national newsletter, training modules for CASC retreats and bootcamps, and a webinar series, all directed towards the advancement of early career scientists in the field of climate change science and adaptation.
The new ECCF website and related products include a climate-focused blog with weekly posts from regular and guest writers; an interactive discussion board on climate, adaptation, and early-career focused discussion for members; information on career resources including climate-related job boards, listservs, professional development resources, fellowship opportunities, and writing and communication tools.
The ECCF also maintained an email listserv that allowed dissemination of information to members about new research, funding opportunities, and career resources. Climate-related career resources, webinar announcements, requests for proposals, or communication tools were shared with the ECCF community by sending an email directly to the ECCF listserv: @email. Those interested in joining the listserv or that have questions can contact the ECCF at @email. Recently, we completed a community survey of the ECCF and prepared a report of the findings for NE CASC Director and NCCWSC. We have made arrangements to migrate the ECCF website from NKN to a UMass server, which will reduce hosting costs over the long term.
Tools and Products

- Northeast Climate Science Center, March 2016, "Leveraging Web-Based Platforms such as the Early Career Climate Forum to Enhance Climate Change Communication and Engagement", E. Markowitz, M. Staudinger.
- Fellows Highlight of Meaghan Guckian features ECCF project blog posts. December 3rd 2018
- Secretary Jewell Announces new Wildlife and Cilmate Studies at the NE CSC. December 18, 2014.
- Project Completed: Early Career Climate Communications and Networking April 24th, 2019