Downscaling of GCM output; studies of climate extremes
A statistical downscaling method (bias-correction and spatial disaggregation: BCSD) is applied to general circulation models (GCMs) from the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 5 (CMIP5) to generate high-resolution downscaled precipitation, maximum temperature, and minimum temperature estimates under historical and three future emission scenarios over the Northeastern United States.
Karmalkar, A., "What happened to global warming?", Water Supply Citizens Advisory Committee (WSCAC) to Massachusetts Water Resources Authority (MWRA). Southborough, MA. 12 May 2015.
Karmalkar, A., Annual Meeting 2015 of the Society of Wetland Scientists in Providence, RI, on the Climate Change and Wetlands panel. 3 June 2015.
Ning, L., 8th Annual NOAA Crest Symposium 2013, New York City: Vlimat and Extreme Weather Impacts on Urban Costal Communities: "Winter climate extremes over the northeast United States and teleconnections"