Ma, W., G. Domke, C.Woodall, and A.W. D'Amato. Comprehensive effects of land use change and disturbances on forest aboveground biomass dynamics in the northern USA. 2018. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, Washington, D.C. December 11, 2018.
D'Amato, A.W. 2018. A lesson in severe, episodic forest disturbances: The 1938 hurricane and long-term dead wood legacies. New England Society of American Foresters Winter Meeting. Nashua, NH. 2018
M. Russell, G. Domke, C. Woodall, A. D’Amato. Incorporating climate into belowground carbon estimates in the National Greenhouse Gas Inventory. 2015 Forest Inventory and Analysis Symposium. Portland, OR. December 8-10, 2015.
Woodall, C.W., Walters, B.F., Coulston, J.W., D’Amato, A.W., Domke, G.M., Russell, M.B., Sowers, P.A. 2015. Recent land use change is a substantial component of the forest carbon sink in the eastern United States. 100th Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting. August 9-14, 2015. Baltimore, MD.
Woodall, C.W., Walters, B.F., Coulston, J.W., D’Amato, A.W., Domke, G.M., Russell, M., Sowers, P. 2015. Forest carbon stocks and stock changes across classes of land use and land use change in the eastern US. 95th Winter Meeting of the New England Society of American Foresters. Fairlee, VT. March 24-27, 2015.
Woodall, C.W., Walters, B.F., Coulston, J.W., D’Amato, A.W., Domke, G.M., Russell, M., Sowers, P. 2015. Recent land use change is a substantial component of the forest carbon sink in the eastern US. 95th Winter Meeting of the New England Society of American Foresters. Fairlee, VT. March 24-27, 2015.
Woodall, C.W., Walters, B.F., Coulston, J.W., D’Amato, A.W., Domke, G.M., Russell, M., Sowers, P. 2015. Forest carbon stocks and stock changes across classes of land use and land use change in the eastern US. 5th North American Carbon Program Principal Investigators Meeting. Jan. 26-29, 2015. Washington, DC.
Russell, M.B., G.M. Domke, C.W. Woodall, A.W. D’Amato. Incorporating climate in the US National Greenhouse Gas Inventory to quantify belowground forest C stocks. 5th North American Carbon Program Principal Investigators Meeting, Washington, DC. Jan. 26-29, 2015.
Woodall, C.W., Walters, B.F., Coulston, J.W., D’Amato, A.W., Domke, G.M., Russell, M., Sowers, P. Forest carbon stocks and stock changes across classes of land use and land use change in the eastern US. 5th North American Carbon Program Principal Investigators Meeting, Washington, DC. Jan. 26-29, 2015.
Woodall, C.W., Domke, G.M., Smith, J.E., Coulston, J., Healey, S.P., Perry, C.H., Gray, A., Russell, M., D’Amato, A.W., Ogle, S., Swan, A. Reducing uncertainty and increasing consistency: Recent technical improvements to the 2015 United States forest carbon inventory. American Geophysical Union Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA. Dec. 15-19, 2014.
Russell, M.B., Woodall, C.W., D’Amato, A.W., Fraver, S., Walters, B.F. Domke, G.M., Skog, K.E. The half-life and residency of coarse woody debris biomass/carbon in eastern US forests. Presentation at The 4th North American Carbon Program All-Investigators Meeting, Albuquerque, NM. February 4-7, 2013.
M. Russell, C. W. Woodall, D’Amato, A.W., and S. Fraver. Residence time and decay rates of downed woody debris across eastern US forests. Presentation at 2nd IUFRO Conference on Complex Forest Ecosystems: Tree to Landscape, New Orleans, LA. October 7, 2013.