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Kenneth Jock

About the Speaker

Sub-Chief of the Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe, Ken Jock continuously advocates the importance of a healthy environment. As former Environment Division Director, Ken led the Division to flourish as one of the strongest environment teams in the nation. Ken shares with Council his dedication to strengthening the community through education, cultural preservation and environmental remediation. His leadership displays an effective combination of accountability and a gentle interpersonal skill. Ken and the environment team set a precedent of powerful legal cases initiating the cleanup of General Motors superfund site and prompting air quality measures; securing more than $20 million in funding to establish the Higher Education Scholarship Fund and Akwesasne Cultural Restoration Program.

Ken has extensive experience working with local organizations including Akwesasne Task Force on the Environment, Akwesasne Freedom School Language Nest and Akwesasne Cultural Center. He has also remained steadfast in ensuring that environmental contamination from neighboring industries be properly addressed and has been unwavering voice for the community in discussions with NY State, industries, and with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). His professionalism is reflected in the growth in our Environmental Programs and their scope, integrating environmental protection, natural resource management and cultural restoration to address the concerns and needs of the Akwesasne Community. Among this growth, Ken’s leadership in the Environment Division also saw fruition of Tribal Council’s vision of an SRMT Agriculture program, guiding the path toward food sovereignty and self-sufficiency within our community.

Ken takes every opportunity to work with Akwesashró:non; giving summer student interns the tools to succeed and inviting them back for a position within the organization. Watching them grow to be experts in their field has been among the most rewarding experiences of his career. Appreciating community members as an important resource, Ken acknowledges that the diligence of Akwesasne Mohawks will be unmatched because this is our home.