Keenan Yakola
Past Fellow
B.S.: Wildlife Ecology and Conservation, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, 2015
Research Interests
Since childhood I have had a passion for the coastal waters of New England and their inhabitants, particularly birds and fish. With my graduate studies I intended to bring these two interests together in order to study trophic mismatches and climate change induced shifts to the phenology of both seabirds and their prey in the Gulf of Maine. My goal was to use my research to inform fisheries and seabird managers and other stakeholders in the Northeast Climate Adaptation Science Center region and beyond.
- News: New Publication: Its About Time April 23rd 2019
- News: New Study Compiles Gulf of Maine Seasonal Wildlife Timing Shifts, Urges Broader Use of Marine Data in Understanding Climate Change UMass Amherst April 23 2019
- News: NE CASC Fellow Awarded by Pacific Seabird Group