Frank Thompson
NE CASC Principal Investigator
Senior Scientist
USFS Northern Research Station
Research Interests
Our University has expertise in aquatic ecosystems, big river ecosystems, climate adaptation science, climate dynamics, ecosystem modeling, fisheries management, human dimensions, landscape ecology, riverine ecology, surface water hydrology, sustainable forestry, terrestrial ecosystems, wetlands ecology & mapping, and wildlife management. In addition to the listed categories, we have strengths in avian ecology, wildlife population ecology, and quantitative population, ecosystem, and landscape modeling.
- Landscape conservation design
- Forest management and succession
- Avian demographics and population dynamics
B.S.: Wildlife Biology, Rutgers, New Brunswick, NJ, 1979
M.S.: Wildlife Biology, University of Vermont, Burlington, VT, 1982
Ph.D.: Wildlife Biology, University of Missouri Columbia, Columbia, MO, 1987
Senior Scientist, U.S. Forest Service Northern Research Station
Cooperative Professor, Department of Fisheries and Wildlife, University of Missouri
GS14 Project Leader & Research Wildlife Biologist and Cooperative Assistant Professor, USDA Forest Service Northern Research Station and Department of Fisheries and Wildlife Sciences, University of Missouri Columbia, 1994 to 2000
GS15 Project Leader & Research Wildlife Biologist and Cooperative Associate Professor, USDA Forest Service Northern Research Station and Department of Fisheries and Wildlife Sciences, University of Missouri Columbia, 2000 to 2010
GS ST Senior Scientist and Cooperative Professor, USDA Forest Service Northern Research Station and Department of Fisheries and Wildlife Sciences, University of Missouri Columbia, 2010 to present
GS13 Research Wildlife Biologist, USDA Forest Service Northern Research Station, 1988 to 1994
Research Associate, Instructor, Department of Fisheries and Wildlife Sciences, University of Missouri Columbia, 1982 to 1988
Effects of climate on wildlife demographics and population viabilityPredicting fire frequency with chemistry and climateThe use of climate and land cover to predict avian abundance across the Midwestern United States.
Using agent-based models to identify conservation solutions to large scale environmental variation and climate changeChanges in forested landscapes of the eastern United States under alternative climate scenariosEvaluation of forest adaption scencarios for the Central Hardwood and Gulf Coastal Plains and Ozark Regions
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Final Report: Identifying and Evaluating Adaptation Science for Forest Habitats and Bird Communities in the NortheastModeling Post-Fire Tree Mortality Using a Logistic Regression Method within a Forest Landscape ModelThe Importance of Regional and Landscape Context and Climate Change to Northern Bobwhite Management
Vulnerability of forests of the Midwest and Northeast United States to climate changeChanges in forested landscapes of the Gulf Coastal Plains and Ozarks under alternative climate and urban growth scenarios. Final report to the Gulf Coastal Plains and Ozarks Landscape Conservation Cooperative.
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