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Chris Caldwell

Affiliated Investigator
President, College of Menominee Nation
Director, Sustainable Development Institute
College of Menominee Nation

Research Interests


 Tribal resilience • connecting tribes and climate scientists • cross-cultural and cross-disciplinary education, applied research and outreach


A.A. Sustainable Development, College of Menominee Nation, Keshena WI, 2002
B.S. Natural Resources, University of Wisconsin - Madison, Madison WI, 2004


College of Menominee Nation, Sustainable Development Institute - Director, 2012-Present.
Menominee Indian Tribe of Wisconsin, Department of Trust Resources - Director, 2005-2012.
USDA Forest Service, Forest Products Laboratory - Forest Products Technician, 2004-2005.
Bureau of Indian Affairs, NCCE - Forestry Student/ Intern, 2001-2004.
Menominee Tribal Enterprises Forestry Department- Forestry Technician, 1994-2001.


Shifting Seasons: Professional Learning CommunityShifting Seasons: Tribal Adaptation Planning for the Northeast RegionCollege of Menominee Nation Phenology Network