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Alice Lubeck

NE CASC Graduate Fellow
ORISE Fellow
UMass Amherst

Research Interests

My research interests focus on the social science of resource conservation. I am currently working on a report that synthesizes climate change information and wildlife management for Northeast States to incorporate into their 2025 State Wildlife Action Plans. Specifically, I'm synthesizing vulnerability assessments and adaptation actions for Regional Species of Greatest Conservation Needs. I have previously worked as an evaluation research consultant on education, public health, and housing/homelessness research projects. 


M.S. Resource Conservation -University of Montana College of Forestry, Missoula, MT, 2018
B.A. Geology -Oberlin College, Oberlin, OH, 2014


ORISE Fellow, 2022-Present
Research Associate, Wilder Research, St. Paul MN, 2019-2022
Research Assistant, University of Montana, 2016-2018
Teaching Assistant, University of Montana, 2017-2018


Lubeck, A. A., Metcalf, A. L., Beckman, C., Yung, L., Angle, J. (2019). Collective factors drive individual invasive species control behaviors: Evidence from private lands in Montana USA. Ecology and Society 24(2):32-41.