October 4th Open House: Register Now
Tuesday, August 29, 2023

We are delighted to invite the NE CASC community to our Fall Open House, which will take place via Zoom on the afternoon of October 4th. This interactive, one-hour event will provide participants with the opportunity to meet our new Regional Administrator, Carrie Brown-Lima, learn about funding opportunities, offer feedback, and participate in breakout groups with our researchers and staff. Please join us for an hour of lively exchanges that are intended to expand and strengthen connections within the climate adaptation community.
- Opening Remarks from Regional Administrator & University Codirectors
- Overview of NE CASC Science Planning Process and Timeline
- Breakout Discussions
- How NE CASC Works
- Climate-Smart Management
- Engaging & Communicating with Stakeholders
- Integrating Resilience Metrics into Restoration Projects
NE CASC Participants
- Carrie Brown-Lima, USGS, Regional Administrator
- Bethany Bradley, UMass Amherst, University Codirector
- Jon Woodruff, UMass Amherst, University Codirector
- Kostas Andreadis, UMass Amherst, Principal Investigator
- Anthony D’Amato, University of Vermont, Principal Investigator
- Will Farmer, USGS, Acting Assistant Regional Administrator
- Addie Rose Holland, UMass Amherst, Deputy University Director
- Radley Horton, Columbia University, Principal Investigator
- Toni Lyn Morelli, USGS, Research Ecologist
- Keith Nislow, U.S. Forest Service, Principal Investigator
- Marissa Weiss, UMass Amherst, Climate Engagement Scientist
- Brian Yellen, UMass Amherst, Affiliated Investigator